Docker architecture

The basic setup of the container can be seen by looking at the Dockerfile provided in the repository.

Container definition

  • Ubuntu LTS 18.04
  • the build packages as explained in the yocto setup document (installed via apt-get)
  • the repo sync tool
  • this repository itself
  • release tools for Github (may be moved to different container later)

Container startup

The entrypoint of the container is the The script has two functions

  • pull the lastest revision of this repository
  • start the

The kicks of the build process. The build process can be customized by

  • using environmental variables as described in this documentation
  • adding custom scripts to the /scripts folder of your repository. The script checks if to exist. If yes, they are being executed along the process.

Container data directories

The container three main directories.

  1. /drone/custombuild contains your repository
  2. /repo/yoctoDocker contains this repository
  3. /data/ is the working directory for the build

During execution of config, source and scripts are copied from /drone/custombuild to /data